The Minister of Science and Innovation, Cristina Garmendia, has inaugurated this afternoon the science and innovation park TecnoCampus Mataró-Maresme. It was a crowded event, with the auditorium full to overflowing and a hundred people outside this room, in the foyer, where the camera was used to track the event. Overall, about 500 people have heard the words of the minister, who has set the park and its new headquarters as an example of what needs to be done to help transform the economic model into a knowledge-based economy.

Garmendia recalled that technology parks bring companies closer to the tools that the ministry he heads makes available to entrepreneurs to launch innovation projects. He also stressed that the TecnoCampus model, which integrates university and company in the same space, should allow progress towards a research model with a higher component of transfer to companies. The Mayor of Mataró, Joan Antoni Baron, and the President of the TecnoCampus Mataró-Maresme Foundation, Alícia Romero, also highlighted the city's commitment to launching this infrastructure, with an investment of 52 million euros. euros, of which 20,5 were provided by the Ministry of Science and Innovation.

In a previous lunch with prominent businessmen in the region, Garmendia conveyed a double need. That research in universities is transformed to a greater extent into wealth for society (products, jobs, etc.) and that the instruments for companies to innovate are more effective. In this sense, he pointed out that the small business fabric needs to evolve towards larger, more internationalized and more competitive companies. Employers have highlighted the need for greater agility, flexibility and proximity of the administration in this evolution.

You can download it here the follow-up via twitter of the event.


The Creatic Awards are open, an opportunity for the best entrepreneurial initiatives


The first Mataró-Europe Values ​​Forum will discuss the continent's future challenges on May 13