The professors of the degree in Nursing at TecnoCampus Laura Curell i Sandra Arco they participated on Tuesday, October 18 in a debate organized and broadcast by Mataró Televisió in which the present and future of the nursing profession has been analyzed. The debate has made it possible to highlight the deficit of professionals who live in Catalonia and Spain, where the ratio of nurses per inhabitant is lower than the European average and where the employment rate of graduates is 100%.

During the debate, the vocational nature of the studies, in which dropouts are practically non-existent, and in which demand far exceeds the supply of places. Sandra Arco has highlighted that in in the case of the TecnoCampus, the demand doubles the offer despite the increase in places that has been introduced in recent years. For her part, Laura Curell has been critical of aspects such as the professional and salary assessment of nursing professionals, and has pointed out that growing problems the flight of talent to other countries with higher wages or the abandonment of the profession.

You can follow the debate from minute 55.



Professor Marco A. Rodríguez and the Chair of Circular Economy participate in the Mirada Blava project


They publish a collaborative volume focused on the links between cinema and the social economy