The Industry 4.0 awards of the TecnoCampus have been promoted for the first time during the 2022-2023 academic year, to promote technological vocations among Vocational Training and Baccalaureate students.

On July 19th, the first Industry 4.0 Award of the TecnoCampus was held in the Vocational Training category. The winners were the students of the Miquel Biada Institute in Mataró Anna de las Heras Gómez, Bassim Zaroual and Bonifás Oscar Cordero Martínez. The work they have presented is entitled "Guided system based on ABB's Integrated Vision". The event was attended by some of the awarded students accompanied by their teachers, as well as the coordinator of industrial engineering studies at the TecnoCampus, Joan Triadó.

Last May 5, the award was given in the Baccalaureate category to the students of theLaia l'Arquera Institute de Mataró to the final research paper "Installation of photovoltaic panels at the Laia l'Arquera Institute", presented by Max Tura Aguilera and Lautaro Nahuel Pérez Montes.

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The company in the ESED park receives a subsidy to hire staff with a university degree


The TecnoCampus accompanied 400 entrepreneurs during 2023