The new care and research center in the social and health field of Mataró was inaugurated on Thursday 28 November with a day to publicize the services it offers such as the Office of Care and Center for Personal Autonomy Sírius. The TecnoCampus participates in the project in the field of research, through the Chair of Aging and Quality of Life and the various research groups linked to the field of health.

The Espai Mataró Cuida-CareCityLab is a center of reference in research and advice and care in care that puts Mataró in the spotlight of caring cities in Catalonia. The facility, located at Paseo de la Marina 144, was created with European funds and is already in operation. It was inaugurated with the presence of the Minister of Social Rights and Inclusion, Mònica Martínez; the mayor of Mataró, David Bote, and representatives of the entities that promote it.

One of the novelties of Espai Mataró Cuida is that it has a co-governance of all the founding partner entities which are: Mataró City Council TecnoCampus Consorci Sanitari del Maresme Private Foundation Salut del Consorci Sanitari del Maresme Private Foundation Hospital Sant Jaume i Santa Magdalena Foundation Private of the Maresme Fundació Eurecat Fundació Tic Salut Social Fundació Jordi Gol i Gurina Catalan Institute of Health

The Care Office is aimed at frail people, either because of their age, because they have some type of disability, dependency or chronic illness, as well as their carers. The objectives are to promote autonomy as long as possible, to inform about the access of fragile people and their carers to the network of public and private resources in the field of social and health care.

It also wants to incorporate the community perspective in the field of care, generating community spaces where the social responsibility of care can be shared. The Care Office offers information, guidance and advice, group interventions and creates links with Third Sector entities. The objectives of the Sírius Center for Personal Autonomy are to inform and advise on solutions to improve the autonomy of dependent people, on solutions that facilitate the work of the assistant in the case of dependent people of any age and on resources and aid. It also emphasizes a large permanent exhibition space of supporting products and accessible environments. 

There is also the intention to strengthen the knowledge and specialization of social and health care professionals through training sessions and workshops. This service is aimed both at people with dependency and their carers/family members, as well as at organisations, professionals and students and companies that offer products and services to encourage the person's autonomy as much as possible. As concrete examples of what, today, the Center for Personal Autonomy offers are two inclusive family bathrooms with changing rooms for adults, a bathroom for people with an ostomy, as well as other simulated spaces. A house and a residence room that incorporate solutions and technical aids to improve people's autonomy. 

The Link Point, led by the Hospital Foundation, facilitates citizens' access to information, guidance and advice from Third Sector Social Action Entities for care. The aim is to empower and generate interaction between caregivers and/or care receivers in Mataró and the Maresme. Likewise, it promotes interaction between entities and facilitates the development of joint work lines between different Entities of the Third Sector of Care Social Action, in order to enhance the social value they provide and grow the social ecosystem of care.


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