The Intelligent Manufacturing and Industrial Innovation FI 4.0 research group recently participated in the Advanced Factories conference in the session “Resource Efficiency: Artificial Intelligence Applied to Energy Saving”. With the title Motor Profiling With Current Signature Analysis, Professors Carles Paul and Xavi Font, together with the company TecnoCampus Sigma Industrial Precision, have presented their research work on the analysis of the behavior of electric motors with artificial intelligence techniques to obtain efficient maintenance algorithms predictive.

The work that is being carried out demonstrates the agility offered by this tool to facilitate the programming of the maintenance action at the most efficient time, allowing a reduction in the number of interventions, the associated downtime and in operating costs.

Currently, the technical team of Sigma Industrial Precision and the FI 4.0 research group continue to develop more accurate and efficient techniques for the predictive maintenance of this type of electric motors.


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