The team of the Chair was in charge of coordinating and facilitating one of the workshops of this event that is held periodically in cities around the world.


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Circular Economy Club Barcelona brought together key players from the public and private sectors in Barcelona Circular City with the aim of promoting synergies and contributing to the economic, circular and resilient recovery of the city. During the first day, a digital meeting was held on the economic opportunities and success stories of the circular economy; and on the third day, a series of workshops were launched with the aim of consolidating BCC as a collaborative platform to accelerate the city's transition towards a circular economy.

The workshops were organized from the perspective of four major areas: food industry, mobility, construction, and fashion and textiles. We worked collaboratively to identify circular solutions for the city and identified new challenges caused by the pandemic, coordinated by teachers Sònia Llorens and Marian Buil.

Throughout the day, the challenges of the sector were worked on, where the participants were able to combine efforts and define ideas to lay the foundations for a more circular and sustainable fashion in Barcelona. Representatives of the Catalan Waste Agency, Barcelona Activa, Desigual, LEITAT Technological Center, Matex 05, Solidança, Triturats la Canya, Col & Bri Partners, Filatures Ferre, among others, took part in this sectorial workshop.

Over 80 solutions and strategies were identified across the four workshops and are now available in a freely downloadable report. It is hoped that this report will be a tool for all actors in the city and that it will encourage inspiration and above all, action. BCC 2021 took place during Circular Cities Week, the global event organized by the Circular Economy Club in cities around the world. Among the partners of BCC 2021 are Barcelona Activa, Eco Intelligent Growth, SL, unpublished, FACTUAL and the TecnoCampus.


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