The awards seek to recognize those works that provide proposals to address the need for the transition to new models of production and consumption. 

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The Chair of Circular Economy and Sustainability, with the support of its founding partners, convenes the 1st edition of the awards "Awards for the best final degree or master's thesis with a perspective on circular economy", with the aim of promoting the integration of training on circular economy and sustainability in a systematic and interdisciplinary way in the studies offered at the TecnoCampus. In this sense, the competition is open for the best final degree or master's theses that provide the perspective of circularity in their content. 

The awards seek to recognize those works that provide proposals to address the need for the transition to new models of production and consumption. 

The award is funded by the Chair of Circular Economy and Sustainability, which has the support of Aigües de Mataró, the Maresme Solid Waste Consortium and the Maresme County Council, andcarries an endowment of 800 euros for each of the winning works. 

You can access the bases in this link.


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