Yesterday, Tuesday, May 3, the vote was held to elect student representatives to the Gover Commissionn of the EUPMMt. The result of the vote was as follows: 

Votes cast: 22

García López, Carles: 9 votes
Hernández Mingorance, Ruben: 1 vote
Ibáñez Esquius, Laura: 3 votes
Moral Madrid, Cristina: 8 votes
Palay Hernández, Tanit: 10 votes
Accordingly, Carlos García López i Tanit Palay Hernández they are appointed as student representatives on the Governing Committee of the EUPMMt, for a period of one year. Laura Ibañez Esquius i Cristina Moral Madrid they will be substitutes.
All the voting documentation is in the custody of the Academic Secretary, and at the disposal of the candidates, to be consulted.


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