The Chair of Social Economy and the Narratives of Resistance research group of the TecnoCampus publish a collaborative volume focused on the links between cinema and the social economy.

Result of a collaboration between the Chair of Social Economy, the Department of Business, and the Narratives of Resistance research group, linked to the degree in Audiovisual Media of the Department of Cultural Industries of the TecnoCampus university center, sees the turn up the volume Around a cooperative audiovisual: encounters between cinema and social economy, which attends to the relations between the cinema and the social economy. 

It is a collaborative book in which the experts Joan Miquel Gual, Belén Sola and Sàgar Malé have participated, and which has a presentation by the Chair's coordinator, Professor Ismael Hernández, and an introductory text from the publisher of the book and member of said group, Professor Jorge Oter. 

The chapters of the work, published in Catalan and Spanish versions and with free access, trace the links between cooperativism and creative non-fiction (Gual) and study the cases of the Leonese laboratory of collaborative creation LAAV_ (Sola) and the activist project Mapasonor (Malé). 

The origin of the publication lies in the conferences on cinema and social economy held in 2019 and 2020 at the TecnoCampus and organized as a collaboration between the chair and the research group, with funding from the Diputació de Barcelona.

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