In order to set up the EUPMMt Governing Committee, it is necessary to choose two representatives and two alternates to be part of this Committee.

The objectives of the Governing Commission are:

- To approve the budget of the Center, at the proposal of the Board of Trustees of the Foundation.
- To approve the proposals for the appointment of teachers.
- To appoint the managerial positions of the Center, at the proposal of its holder, except for the position of director.
- In general, all functions that have not been assigned in the rules of organization and internal operation expressly to other governing bodies.

We invite you to take an active part in the democratic participation bodies available to the Polytechnic, and for your opinion to be represented.

To do so, you can submit your application until Tuesday, April 26 at 12 noon. To do so, you must send an e-mail with your name, surname and e-mail address to the Academic Secretary (Salvador Alepuz).

In the event that there are more candidates than vacancies, a vote will be held on the day 3 May from 10 to 20h in the university building. Each student may vote for a maximum of two candidates. In order to cast your vote, you will need to present your DNI or student card.



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