The digital skills of industry professionals 4.0 has been one of the topics discussed at the conference held at the TecnoCampus on the occasion of this year's Mobile Week. In this case by professors Virgínia Espinosa, Joan Triadó and Jordi Ayza, from the area of ​​Engineering of the Polytechnic School of TecnoCampus (ESUPT)

In this conference it was about the digital skills required by today’s engineers in order to respond to the needs of the company facing the challenges of the fourth industrial revolution. The speakers started from the work carried out to develop a Mention in Intelligent Manufacturing to be offered to graduates in any of the engineering of the ESUPT.

The speakers highlighted the difference between technological skills, which allow the professional to know and apply a specific technology (statistics, electronics, additive manufacturing, etc.), and personal skills, also known as soft skills (communication skills, work in equipment, self-learning, requirement, etc.). And it was noted how valued are those of this second group by companies.

At the same time, the speakers emphasized how digitization affects the exercise of all competencies, mainly due to the ease of acquiring, storing and processing a lot of data, the availability of reliable and real-time data, the sharing of their analysis, decision-making, teamwork, etc.

Regarding the designed mention, the involvement of 50 companies was highlighted, which provided information on what they expect from engineers and how they are using Industry 4.0 enabling technologies. Attention was paid to the importance of the new engineers acquiring training in these technologies, both the most general (company transformation, big data, communications) and the most specific for each specialization.

Finally, special attention was paid to the proposed methodology for teaching the subjects, based on continuous assessment, project-based learning and use cases extracted from companies, as well as work. as a team.

The final debate noted the importance of the company's participation in the training of engineers, and that of the university in the innovation and development of the company. Attendees mentioned the importance of students gaining experience working in companies. In this sense, the paper commented on the difficulty for students to simultaneously study and work responsibility, the importance of continuing education and the possibilities, for companies and professionals, of the industrial doctorate.


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