What is OVAP?

The Virtual Supplier Service Office (OVAP) is the web portal that the TecnoCampus Foundation and EPEL Parc Tecnocampus make available to suppliers / collaborators as a modernization initiative so that they can carry out their invoices. more agile and effective way through the internet, with the aim of reducing costs and ensuring the security of management.

How can I access OVAP?

You can access the OVAP from this link:


I want to register as a supplier / collaborator, what do I have to do?

You can access the Form to register, all you have to do is fill in your details and attach the bank certificate.


I want to update my data, what should I do?

You must communicate your new data to the OVAP, by filling in the form "Registration and / or modification of supplier data" in the following link:


How do I submit invoices?

You can present your invoices always indicating the identification number of the previously authorized order. Invoices can be submitted from the following links:

Electronic invoice Invoice in digital format (PDF)

What is electronic invoice?

The electronic invoice is an electronic document, in XML format, according to the invoice model, which:

• It contains the same type of information that is on a traditional invoice and is sent via electronic means.

• It has legal validity when it carries an advanced electronic signature that guarantees authentication, integrity and non-repudiation.

• It is likely to be transmitted by electronic means and relates to customers and suppliers.

Is there an application to be able to create my electronic invoice?

To create the electronic invoice in the standard format facturae there are several free applications that can be consulted at the following address:


What mechanisms can I use to send my electronic invoice?

See the mechanisms for creating and sending electronic invoices in the following enllaç.

The DIR codes for the presentation of invoices are as follows:

• Tecnocampus Foundation: NIF G62034111 Code DIR = LA0011122 (Management office, processing office and accounting office).

• EPEL Parc Tecnocampus: NIF Q0801443C Code DIR = LA0011123 (Management office, processing office and accounting office).


Is a digital certificate required for the processing of electronic invoices?

Yes, you need a digital certificate which is a secure computer device or file that fully and legally identifies you on the internet and allows you to carry out procedures and procedures online with maximum security. It must be sent by any of the certification bodies approved and validated by the Catalan Certification Agency.

Accepted digital certificates

Can I send my invoice in PDF format?

Yes, you can present your invoice in PDF format by filling in the form corresponding to the following:




Do I need to include any references in my invoice?

To facilitate the management, processing and payment of the invoice, it is very important that the invoice indicates the order number provided by the management service or the purchasing service, given that it is our identification reference. If you have any questions you can contact the purchasing service:


What is the deadline for payment of invoices?

The current payment period of the Tecnocampus Foundation and EPEL Parc Tecnocampus is 60 days from the entry of the invoice in the register, a period that includes 30 days for compliance and 30 days for payment. Payment days are the 15th and 30th of each month.

Once the payment is issued, an email notification will be sent.

Do I want to register as a non-self-employed teaching collaborator (“work performance or minutes”), what do I have to do?

From this enllaç, you can access the Form to register. You only need to fill in your details and attach the bank certificate.

Once inside the form, you must indicate that you will NOT present an invoice, that you are exempt from VAT and that the personal income tax withholding will be 15%.

This registration only needs to be done the first time a collaboration is made with TecnoCampus. You will only need to refill it if any of the data needs to be modified.


I want to register as a freelance teaching collaborator, what do I have to do?

From this enllaç you can access the Form to register, you only need to fill in your details and attach the bank certificate.

Once inside the form, it must be indicated: that YES you will present an invoice, that you are exempt from VAT and that the personal income tax withholding will be 15% (Except, in cases where you are previously authorized by the Inland Revenue to apply the withholding tax of 7%). %).

At the time of submitting your invoice, you will need to attach the last paid self-employed receipt.


If you have more questions about OVAP that are not answered in this document, please send them to: