Take part in the second edition of the Industry 4.0 Awards, intended to promote work related to the Industry 4.0 concept, both in the End of Higher Education Cycle Projects and for Baccalaureate Research Projects.  


The Industry 4.0 Awards comprise two categories, both with publication deadlines until May 24, 2024. 

Applications for Research Papers

Applications for CFGS Final Projects

The works or projects must meet the following requirements:  


A) They must have been presented at education centers in Maresme or Vallès Oriental. 


B) They must have the nature of research work of Baccalaureate or CFGS Final Project.


C) They must be technology jobs. It will be assessed, but it is not exclusive, if in its entirety, or in any of its chapters, the topic discussed is related to one of the following thematic areas:

Control systems - Internet of Things - Virtual reality - Augmented reality - Robotics - 

Control or processing with microcontroller cards or programmable automata - 

Cloud Computing - Digital Twins - Cyber ​​Security - Connectivity and Mobility - Artificial Intelligence - 

Business Intelligence - Big Data - Additive Manufacturing - Predictive Maintenance - Smart Product - 

Intelligent logistics - Sustainable manufacturing - Energy management - Circular economy. 


The winners of the TecnoCampus Industry 4.0 awards will receive a diploma and a check worth 500 euros.


Check for 500 euros.

Competition documents

*Underage participants must have the prior authorization of their legal guardian to participate in the competition in accordance with the conditions of these rules.  

Formalize your participation using the following form:

Publication deadline: May 24.

*Make sure to check spam if you don't receive the email. If you have any problems with the form, you can send it directly to this address.

If you have any questions you can contact through:

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