Complaints and suggestions


Respond to complaints and suggestions raised by all stakeholders in the university community as well as external users. The aim is to improve the services offered by TecnoCampus and look for solutions to possible shortcomings or problems, betting on continuous improvement. 

Who can request it? 

If you indicate an e-mail, a reply will be received. Any user of the three university schools of the Tecnocampus, whether or not a member of the university community. 

Application procedure 

Any member of the university community and the public can submit to TecnoCampus proposals for action or improvement as well as congratulations, suggestions or complaints regarding the operation of the University. The form can be submitted on paper through the Register of the institution or electronically from the following link.  

A suggestion is understood to be the manifestation or declaration of a user or client in which he conveys an idea with which he intends to improve the quality of services within the university environment provided by the Tecnocampus or any of its processes, or requests the provision of a service or action not planned or not offered.  

A complaint is understood to be the exposure of an incident, during the provision of a service within the university by the Tecnocampus, which produces the person claiming the perception of inefficiency or inadequate action, and requires an answer.  
Suggestions and complaints will in no case be considered administrative appeals, nor will they stop the deadlines for filing or resolving them. Nor will they imply the waiver of the exercise of other actions or rights recognized by the legal system. 

Deadline to apply 

Any time of the year. 


It has no cost. 

Response time

A maximum period of fifteen days is provided for responding to suggestions or complaints. 

Who's in charge 

Quality Coordinator 

Regulations and reference documentation 

Process link:
Tecnocampus suggestions and complaints regulation: