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Position: Degree or master's degree coordinator
Office: 41
Correu Electronic: jponsl@tecnocampus.cat
ORCID code: Visit
Research gate: Visit
Professional category: Teacher
Graduated in History from the University of Barcelona (UB), master's degree in Libraries and Heritage Collections (UB), currently studying anthropology (URV) and psychology (UOC), doctorate in the Humanities and Communication program of the UOC. Game designer and creative director at companies such as 3peppers games, Flashfutura, Arhat Games or TMT Games. He has participated in the development of video games such as Inopia, Escape from Tenopia Island, The Dive or DugeonDome. He is a member of the Board Game Creators Association (LUDO). Professor of Game Design, Audiovisual Narrative and Level Design, and coordinator of the video games degree at Tecnocampus.