Description of the academic, research and / or professional profile
PhD in Physiotherapy from the International University of Catalonia (2016) Thesis title: Study of the effects and application of short-term kinesiotaping on the upper trapezius muscle in people with nonspecific neck pain. Diploma in Physiotherapy from Gimbernat University School (1997). Master's Degree in Education and ICT (e-learning) from the UOC (2010); Osteopath CO for Osteo University Center (2004); Postgraduate in Osteopathic Methodology at Les Heures, University of Barcelona (2000); Postgraduate in Acupuncture Applied to Myofascial Pain from the International University of Catalonia (UIC) (2009); Postgraduate in Information Osteopathy, Poyet Method from the UIC (2011). Academic work experience from the year 2000 to 2015 carrying out theoretical-practical classes in different subjects of the Diploma, Degree and Postgraduate Degree in Physiotherapy at the UIC. Since 2015, associate professor at the TecnoCampus School of Health Sciences. Coordinator of the Degree in Physiotherapy since the 2016-2017 academic year. During the 2016-2017 academic year Deputy Head of Studies Care experience as a physiotherapist in the area of Manual Therapy, Osteopathy and Sports Physiotherapy, physiotherapist of the Royal Federation of field hockey during the 2000-2007 seasons and of the first women's hockey team of the Real Polo Club during the 2001-2008 seasons.