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Office: TCM 1 - OFFICE 3
Correu Electronic: rdopeso@tecnocampus.cat
Professional category: Teacher
Roberto Dopeso Fernández, Ph.D. Doctor in Applied Economics by the Autonomous University of Barcelona, Master in Applied Economics by the Autonomous University of Barcelona, Master in Economic Science Pompeu Fabra University (BGSE), Master in International Business with specialization in Business in Latin America by the Pompeu Fabra University (IDEC), Master's Degree in Business Economics from Tecnológico de Monterrey (EGADE), Bachelor's Degree in Marketing from Tecnológico de Monterrey.
He is currently the International Academic Manager of ESCSET and a full-time teacher at the same institution. His lines of research focus on measuring the determinants of the location of companies, the impact of entrepreneurs on economic variables, the sources of financing for emperors and the general topics of labor economics and regional economics.