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Study of the potential of the Circular Economy in the Maresme - Maresme Circular


Research, transfer and scientific culture
The Maresme Circular project wants to study the challenges and opportunities of transition towards circularity existing in the territory of the Maresme while considering a multi-sector and multi-agent view, and that allows to obtain a road map. This project is present...

Amount granted:
12.000 €

Update date:

I-Talent. Inclusivity, Innovation and Integration for the social and labor insertion of people with disabilities 2023-2024


Educational field
This project was born with the aim of designing and implementing a training program aimed at people with intellectual disabilities: University Specialization I-Talent course for the socio-employment promotion of people with developmental disabilities and/...

Amount granted:
60.000 €

Update date:

Aging and loneliness. The feminization of unwanted loneliness in older people; how to face it


Research, transfer and scientific culture
The project "The feminization of unwanted loneliness in older people; how to deal with it (Not Alone)" addresses the phenomenon of loneliness in women over 65. The effect that loneliness has on the physical and mental health of older women is so important that it deserves to be ...

Amount granted:
100.625 €

Update date:

DeepTech in Higher Education Institutions and Ecosystems through Entrepreneurial Education+


Support for business and entrepreneurship
SFF.DeepT+ engages undergraduate, master's and doctoral students, as well as early-stage researchers, in the creation of companies, start-ups and spin-offs through transdisciplinary project-based formats based on challenges defined by Triangle stakeholders of the Con...

Amount granted:
56.493 €

Update date:

XIX CIRIEC Congress of researchers in Social Economy at TecnoCampus


Research, transfer and scientific culture
Tecnocampus organizes the XIX CIRIEC Congress of Social Economy researchers from April 19 to 21, 2023.

Amount granted:
19.003 €

Update date:

Elderly Peer Help Program


Research, transfer and scientific culture
The JUNTS program wants to create a network of peers among the elderly, holding training workshops for volunteers over 65 years of age from the Maresme region so that they can empower themselves and help detect people at risk of unwanted loneliness early on. The program...

Amount granted:
20.410 €

Update date:

Maresme peer-to-peer network


Research, transfer and scientific culture
The program wants to create a network of peers among the elderly, holding training workshops for volunteers over 65 years of age from the Maresme region so that they can empower themselves and help detect early on people at risk of unwanted loneliness. The program has as...

Amount granted:
1.146 €

Update date:

EDUX Digital Innovation Mataró


Educational field
The project aims to promote innovation and the improvement of digital skills in 8 educational centers in our territory of influence, Mataró. An itinerary is proposed that includes joint work sessions between public and concerted centers participating...

Amount granted:
134.805 €

Update date:

Stories of the Point. The labor movement in Mataró through the stories of textile workers.


Research, transfer and scientific culture
Històries del Punt is a project to recover the memory of the Mataró textile industry through the creation of an interactive and participatory web documentary. The project integrates traditional industrial historical and sociological research with new technologies in...

Amount granted:
10.635 €

Update date:

Academy 4 Business


Research, transfer and scientific culture
The aim of the project is to bring academia and business closer together with the design of a new course aimed at academia and entrepreneurs or small businesses to boost the entrepreneurial and scientific mindset for future entrepreneurs and knowledge workers with “edTech” or technol...

Amount granted:
71.172 €

Update date:

Vocational training program for employment for employed workers


Educational field
TecnoCampus has different didactic resources that allow improving the management of teaching and the introduction of innovative dynamics in training actions and that will also be applied to the areas requested in this call. These programs provide the professor...

Amount granted:
47.689 €

Update date:

Allies for the Transition of business models towArds Sustainability


Research, transfer and scientific culture
The general objective of ATLAS (Allies for the Transition of business models towards sustainability) is to help the associated SMEs and influence their business model towards sustainability, improving the interaction with key players with experience and skills complete...

Amount granted:
21.419 €

Update date:

Fund for growth and social investment


Research, transfer and scientific culture
This project seeks to create an investment tool, support and advice for the creation, recovery or consolidation of companies on the basis of the promotion of the local economy, the promotion of socially useful economic activities and the creation of markets ...

Amount granted:
8.000 €

Update date:

Postgraduate in Management of Cooperative and Social Economy Companies and University Specialization Course in Financing for Organizations of the Social and Solidarity Economy


Educational field
Since 2015, the tecnocampus Foundation has hosted the Social Economy Chair linked to the Tecnocampus Higher School of Social and Business Sciences (ESCSET). The actions of the Chair pursue the following objectives: -Improve research in Social Economy. ...

Amount granted:
61.117 €

Update date:

Grassroots of Digital Europe: from Historic to Contemporary Cultures of Creative Computing


Research, transfer and scientific culture
Historical knowledge about creative informatics in Europe has so far been fragmented and lacked transnational and interdisciplinary dialogue. GRADE aims to build a robust and diverse network of researchers from across Europe who will integrate knowledge ...

Amount granted:
1.000 €

Update date:

Study on loneliness in the elderly in the Maresme region


Research, transfer and scientific culture
The aim of this project is to find out the predisposing and triggering factors of loneliness in elderly people in the Maresme region, to establish risk maps (predictive model) and to design and implement a preventive intervention in the community.

Amount granted:
15.000 €

Update date:

I-Talent. Inclusivity, Innovation and Integration for the social and labor insertion of people with disabilities 2022-2023


Educational field
This project was born with the aim of designing and implementing a training program aimed at people with intellectual disabilities: I-Talent University Specialization course for the socio-labor promotion of people with disabilities: which promotes the inclusion...

Amount granted:
60.000 €

Update date:

Reenterprise 2023


Support for business and entrepreneurship
Tecnocampus is one of Maresme's flagship Re-employment Centres.

Amount granted:
29.931 €

Update date:

Open Tecnocampus


Research, transfer and scientific culture
The Open TecnoCampus project seeks to implement, under a single strategy, several actions that help bring the research carried out at the institution closer to the citizens of the territory of Mataró and the Maresme, as well as encourage their participation.

Amount granted:
15.000 €

Update date:

Talent map of the city


Research, transfer and scientific culture
The aim of the project is to build a working framework for the construction of a talent map of the City of Mataró based on the definition of areas of knowledge, the design of participatory processes to identify agents and inter-relations and the use of s...

Amount granted:
14.750 €

Update date: