Type of the project

Research, transfer and scientific culture



Field of action


Status of the project


Initial date


End date


The Academy 4 Business project brings together 4 higher education institutions and 4 business entities from Estonia, the Czech Republic, Poland and Spain that will work together to develop and implement an interdisciplinary, cross-border and intersectoral course that aims to bring business mentality and scientific in the field of educational technologies. This capacity building project therefore aims to bring the academic and business sectors together through the reciprocal transfer of knowledge and support for future entrepreneurs.  

The main result of the project will be a semi-face-to-face course that aims to promote the entrepreneurial and scientific mentality of future entrepreneurs and knowledge workers in EdTech (educational technologies). The course will be integrated by different innovative digital deliverables aimed at a wide audience. The main impact of the project is to increase the quality and relevance of the teaching activities of the partner universities in the field of entrepreneurship.

In order to develop the semi-face-to-face entrepreneurship course in EdTech, one of the main actions that is carried out are 3 cycles of mentoring for students, led by the TecnoCampus, which end with a three-day stay in face-to-face format in one of the universities participating in the project.

The first cycle of mentorships takes place from October 11, 2023 to November 29, 2023 and the "Winter School" stay takes place at the TecnoCampus from January 29, 2024 to February 2, 2024:

The second cycle of mentorships takes place from 13 March 2024 to 29 May 2024 and the "Summer School" stay takes place at Tallinn University from 26 to 28 June 2024

Project managers

Màrian Buil Fabregà

principal researcher

Project team

Marta Carceller

Project technique and research support

Funding sources

Financed by the European Commission within the call for Erasmus+ "Cooperation partnerships in higher education". The total subsidy to be distributed among all partners during the two years of implementation is €400.000.


Granted amount


Amount of the project


- Tallinn University (project coordinator)

- Technicka Univerzita Ostrava

- Akademia Techniczno-Humanistyczna w Bielsko-Bialej

- TecnoCampus Mataró-Maresme Foundation

- Lurtis Rules, SL

- Agencja Rozwoju Regionalnego, SA

- Know How Club, SRO

- EdTech Estonia

The project has the support of Mataró City Council, the Dóna't un Impuls association, FAGEM and PIMEC. 

Contact the project team

Conctact information


Stories of the Point. The labor movement in Mataró through the stories of textile workers.


Vocational training program for employment for employed workers