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Yes we Rent! Leveraging vacant private property to build up a cooperative affordable housing scheme (Let's rent!)


Research, transfer and scientific culture
Yes we Rent, in Catalan "Lloguem", is a project led by the Mataró City Council and started at the end of 2018, which aims to explore solutions based on the social and cooperative economy in order to generate an alternative offer of 'affordable and stable housing in...

Amount granted:
74.840 €

Update date:

Reimagine entrepreneurship and talent: Boosting talent, entrepreneurship and the incubation of projects linked to textile design and innovation


Support for business and entrepreneurship
Reimagine Textile is the business innovation program aimed at the Maresme textile sector promoted by Mataró City Council, the Tecnocampus and Eurecat, within the framework of the Territorial Specialization and Competitiveness Project (PECT) of Mataró Maresme.

Amount granted:
369.922 €

Update date: