The Research Commission is the participatory body in charge of defining research activity at Tecnocampus, which is developed from a transversal action that goes beyond the scope of the centres. 

The research committee is made up of the following members:  

A chairman or chairwoman of the Commission, appointed by the director or general director from among the group of professors or full-time teaching staff.  

  • A researcher with the category of professor and with the recognition of a six-year living research period, representative of each centre, appointed by the Governing Board of each centre.
  • Up to a maximum of three more researchers in the category of full professor, with a recognised six-year term, appointed by the Director of Research at the proposal of the Governing Board of each centre.
  • Secretary. A person appointed by the Director-General shall act as Secretary of the Commission. The functions of the Secretary of the Commission are: to draw up the minutes of the sessions, to file them, to communicate the agreements and, where appropriate, to issue certificates of the agreements. When the secretary is not a member of the commission, he or she will have the right to speak but not to vote.  



The functions of the Research Commission are:  

a) Validation of the proposals prepared by the chairman of the Research Commission prior to being submitted to the corresponding body for approval.  

b) Propose improvements and initiatives that promote the general research activity of the institution.  

c) All those attributed to it in the research plan.  


The current composition of the Research Commission is as follows:  

Sr. Josep Maria Raya Vilchez

ESCSET Professor and Research Director


Dr. Salvador Alepuz

Full professor at ESUPT

Dr. Esther Cabrera

ESCST Professor

Dr. Marcos Faúndez Zanuy

Professor of the ESUPT

Dr. Carolina Chabrera

Full professor at ESCST

Dr. Alexander Kucel

Full professor at ESCSET


Mrs. Anna Gabriel

Head of the project and research support service of the Tecnocampus Mataró-Maresme Foundation 


Project Service and Research Support
TCM6 University Building - First Floor

TecnoCampus Mataró-Maresme Foundation
Avinguda Ernest Lluch, 32 (Porta Laietana)
08302 Mataró (Barcelona)

Phone: 93 757 46 12