The TecnoCampus has a Internal Quality Assurance System (SGIQ), which considers the user at the center of its action and which takes it into account not only during its stay but also before and after its passage through the TecnoCampus (especially for students but also entrepreneurs and companies).  

TecnoCampus has 2 main areas of action: University and Company, with various target audiences (interest groups). Both the Transfer, Innovation and Business area and the University Center have their own SGIQ with their own Quality Committee. In addition, at the global level of TecnoCampus, one is defined Quality Commission specific.

The specific objectives of the IQAS are:

  • Promote the definition of processes in the two major areas of action of the TecnoCampus: University and Business. For the case of the university area, promote the use of specific standards such as AUDIT to structure the content of the SGIQ.
  • Promote the revision / modification of the processes that make up the Quality Management System.
  • Monitor the actions to improve the different processes and procedures.
  • Promote a timetable for obtaining indicators with dates, managers, source of data and types of visibility.
  • Prepare reports of satisfaction studies (PAS, PDI, students, graduates, companies) and attention to suggestions and complaints.
  • To promote the accessibility of the different groups to all those information referring to the quality (indicators, studies of satisfaction, processes and procedures, actions of improvement) with special attention in the web.
  • Carry out the annual quality report of the TecnoCampus, which will complement the reports of the Degrees (IST), the reports of the center and the reports of the services.

Internal Quality Assurance System of the TecnoCampus University Center

Open link

Internal Quality Assurance System for the Transfer, Innovation and Business Area

Open link