Record qualification claim


Review the grade or final grade of an exam or assessment that appears in the final report or academic file.

VERY IMPORTANT: It is recommended that the student has completed the relevant exam review. 

Who can request it?

Any TecnoCampus student who has exhausted all previous ways of revising the exam or assessment

Where to go

Online: e-secretary (Claim of minutes qualifications)

Documentation to be provided

Required: Instance Catalan/Spanish addressed to the Director of the Center

Deadline to apply

Consults here the calendar of academic procedures

.Answer you will get

Notification through the e-Secretariat of the Commission/Court resolution and rectification of the qualification if applicable

Response time

5 calendar days from the maximum date of the application deadline

Who's in charge

Academic Management Service

Regulations and reference documentation

*Academic regulations for undergraduate studies. (article 12.3)
*Academic calendar where the official closing dates of the final acts are collected