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Unsubscribe or cancel undergraduate studies previously enrolled in the TecnoCampus.
Any student who has enrolled in undergraduate studies at TecnoCampus
Online: e-secretary (Cancellation of registration)
(you must attach it to the online application)
In case of reassignment (new students):
Until November 30
a) When the student has been re-assigned to another center by the pre-registration office, the amount already paid for the enrolled credits will be refunded, except for the costs of managing the academic transcript. . In the event of non-payment, the amount of the academic record management costs will be claimed.
b) When, after formalizing the registration, there are changes in the schedules, the scheduled exam dates or administrative errors are detected, the student may request the rectification of the registration with the right to a refund of the amount paid. in excess if this results from the new registration.
c) When the student requests in writing the renunciation of the matrícula before the date of start of course will refund the amount paid except the expenses of management of academic record.
d) When the student requests in writing the renunciation of the matrícula once initiated the course will take into account the following suppositions:
Outside these deadlines, the student will be registered and will have to pay the full amount of the registration fee.
Notification through the e-Secretariat
In less than 5 working days
Academic Management Service
Decree in force in each academic year, which sets the prices of academic services in public universities in Catalonia.