What are you looking for?
The Final Degree Project (TFG) aims to prepare a project to evaluate the use of the skills necessary to obtain the degree. It is an autonomous activity carried out within a specific subject, leading to the preparation of a paper, based on a topic approved by the subject's teaching staff.
Read carefully the Teaching Guide for the Final Degree Thesis within the study plan of your Degree, as well as the regulations about it and the Calendar where you will find important dates within each department.
Coordination of AdE and GI TFGs: Doloros Celma i Judith Turrion
Coordination of Marketing and CD TFGs: Enrique Camón i Judith Turrion
Coordination of TFGs for Tourism and Double AdE-Tourism: Doloros Celma
Coordination of TFGs and Double AdE-Marketing: Doloros Celma
Coordination of Logistics TFGs: Enrique Camón
Coordination of AdE TFGs in English: Enrique Camón
Coordination of TFGs Degree Design and Production of Videogames: Beatrice Perez
Coordination of TFGs Degree Audiovisual Media: Jorge Oter
Coordination of TFGs Engineering Degrees: Joan Ramón Gomà
Coordination of TFGs Degree IT Engineering Management and IS: Alfonso Palacios
Coordination of nursing TFGs: Sandra Arco
Coordination of CAFE TFGs: Victor Illera
Coordination of Physiotherapy TFGs: Carlos Fernández
Coming soon
Audiovisual TFG thematic lines - Course 2024-2025
Audiovisual TFG proposals - Course 2024-2025
Audiovisual TFG awards - Academic year 2024/2025- Coming soon
TFG proposals for Video Games - coming soon
Electronics / Mechanical / Industrial Organization TFG Proposals - coming soon
Electronics / Mechanical / Industrial Organization TFG awards - coming soon
IT TFG Proposals - 2024-2025
IT TFG awards - coming soon
Coming soon