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TecnoCampus, as an entity committed to society and the territory, promotes equal opportunities between men and women in order to eradicate any type of sexist discrimination and, in this sense, incorporates the gender perspective transversally in all areas of work, study, teaching and research.
We present the TFG Awards with a Gender Perspective 👩🏻🎓👨🏻🎓
With the aim of promoting the incorporation of the gender perspective in a transversal and interdisciplinary manner in the academic work of the TecnoCampus, last Thursday, December 12, the delivery of the TFG Awards with a Gender Perspective.
These awards want to recognize those works that promote gender equality, addressing issues such as diversity, inclusion and equity, or integrating this perspective in an innovative way in their content.
The winning work of Raul Casillas has been recognized with a financial endowment of 500 euros, with the support of the TecnoCampus Equality and Diversity Unit, thus reaffirming the center's commitment to equality and social values.
Activities for 25N: Join the fight against gender violence
This November, take part in the activities we have prepared to make visible and combat gender-based violence. You will find talks, workshops and awareness-raising actions to reflect and act.
👉 To keep up to date with all the news and details, follow us on our social networks and access the registrations aquí
This space is dedicated to providing up-to-date information and data on the state of equality both in our university and in the world of work in different areas.
The woman at TecnoCampus
"The woman at TecnoCampus
At TecnoCampus, we are proud to have 40% women among our students. This data reflects our commitment to gender equality and inclusion, and motivates us to continue working to create a diverse and equitable academic environment where all people can develop their full potential.
Studies led by women
"Studies led by women
At TecnoCampus, women lead a variety of studies, particularly standing out in various master's degrees and degrees. In the Master's in Care for Chronicity and Aging, 90,91% of the students are women. They also have a notable presence in the Master's in Logistics, with 85,71%. As for Nursing, women represent 81% of the students. Other areas in which they excel are ADE and Marketing (56,52%), Tourism and Marketing (53,85%) and Marketing (53%). In Industrial Organization Engineering, the female presence is 50%. These data reflect the important role of women in these fields of study.
Working staff at TecnoCampus
At TecnoCampus, the staff data for 2023 reflects a balanced distribution between women and men. Women represent 53% of the total staff, with 177 people employed. On the other hand, men make up 47%, with a total of 157 people.
These figures demonstrate a commitment to gender equality in our university community, ensuring a significant presence of women at all levels of staff. We continue to work to maintain and improve this equity on our campus.
• In February and March, the Equality Unit and the Healthy and Sustainable Campus Commission organized the "Cycle of health and gender conferences".
• The sessions dealt with topics such as:
• Biases in health and gender (February 23).
• Sexuality and socio-affective relationships (March 3).
• Mature sexuality (March 4).
• Career, health and fertility (March 10).
• From March 3 to 5, the first edition of the Barcelona Women Acceleration Week (BWAW) was held
On May 5, 2020, an internal training on gender equality was held, taught by Dr. María de la Fuente, to raise awareness and promote good practices in diversity and inclusion.
13 at 24 in May: Equality Week against LGBTIphobia organized by the Equality Unit of the UPF on the occasion of the International Day against LGBTIphobia (May 17).
• May 8: "Sexual abuse on university campuses" seminar organized by the Catalan Society of Victimology and the UPF, from 16:00 p.m. to 19:00 p.m. at the Ciutadella Campus.
• May 2: Brainstorming session "Let's make a new canon: feminine & feminist" led by Mª Àngels Cabré at the Mercè Rodoreda Auditorium of the UPF, at 12:30 p.m.
• March 16: HackGirl, an activity to encourage technological vocations in girls aged 12 to 18, from 10:00 a.m. to 18:00 p.m. at the TecnoCampus.
• March 8: Silent meeting on the occasion of International Women's Day at 14:00 in the TecnoCampus square, with purple clothes or accessories.
• March 7: Screening of the monologue "No solo duelen los golpes" by Pamela Palenciano at 11:00 at the Innolab of the TecnoCampus. Also "Pilars Femenins" activity from 14:00 to 14:30 in the TecnoCampus square.
• March 6: Information tent about the new Equality Commission of the Student Association, with ambient music, from 11:00 am to 14:00 pm in the TecnoCampus square.
• March 8: Round Table on the occasion of International Women's Day, where topics such as the wage gap, quota policies, working hours, and gender roles and stereotypes in the professional world were discussed.
• Women's Conference "Give yourself a boost!": The "Dóna't un impuls" association held a day at TecnoCampus Mataró to promote networking, work-life balance and business training among women entrepreneurs and businesswomen.
• 25 November: International Day against Male Violence, with a participatory exhibition on male violence and a survey on the perception of inequality carried out at the TecnoCampus.
The Equality and Diversity Unit is a specialized university service, competent in matters of gender equality policies.
Composition of the Equality and Diversity Unit:
Where do we participate? TecnoCampus is part of the UPF's Equality Policy Committee and, as a member of the committee, endorses the University's commitment to gender equality policies, both in promoting the effective equality of women and men as in guaranteeing the rights of people in the LGBTI community.
The Equality and Diversity Commission is the advisory and participation body whose main objective is to advise and be consulted on the preparation, deployment and evaluation of the Equality Plan, as well as the promotion of the transversality of gender as a whole in university policy and awareness-raising activities in matters of equality between women and men.
The Equality and Diversity Committee is made up of people representing different areas of the university community.
The Technical Commission on sexual harassment and harassment on the grounds of sex, sexual orientation, gender identity or gender expression is permanent and is responsible for the application of the procedure of technical and specialized performance collected in the Protocol to prevent and resolve conflicts over gender-based violence, homophobia, biphobia and transphobia, as well as the monitoring of measures.
Composition of the Technical Commission:
In the last decade, a broad regulatory framework on equality has been developed that requires the adoption of different measures to advance the achievement of effective equality between women and men. Despite the progressive incorporation of women into universities, as students, as teachers, as researchers, and as administration and service staff, gender biases survive.
Furthermore, society also imposes regulatory standards on the identity and expression of gender as well as on sexuality, which also generate specific forms of discrimination and violence against people in the LGBTI community. Thus, in the fight against gender inequality and gender-based violence, universities must add the fight against any expression of LGBTIphobia, in order to make effective the principles of non-discrimination and respect and to ensure that the university is a space where everyone can live and develop in full freedom.
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In 2011, the Equality Plan was approved, which defined the gender policy of TecnoCampus and which has served to guide the line of work to be followed in subsequent years in terms of equality and non-discrimination on the grounds of gender or sexual identity.
The II TecnoCampus Equality Plan is currently in force, which contains the Protocol to prevent and resolve conflicts in matters of gender-based violence, homophobia, biphobia and transphobia. Its essential purpose is to incorporate an integrated approach to the promotion of equal opportunities between women and men throughout university activity.
The implementation of this Equality Plan and the Protocol for Equality does not only mean a mere formal compliance with current regulations, but also involves assuming with conviction the equality of women and men as a priority and a governing principle of the University.
The II Equality Plan was approved on December 27, 2019 by resolution of the General Directorate 96/2019.
The protocol for preventing and resolving conflicts in matters of gender-based violence, homophobia, bi-phobia and transphobia aims to establish the essential criteria, of a minimum nature, for managing behaviours perceived as discriminatory, violent or sexual harassment, on the grounds of sex or by reason of sexual orientation, gender identity or gender expression within the scope of direction and organisation of the administrative or academic unit of affiliation of the person or persons who are the subject, and in the exercise of their professional or educational activity or as a consequence thereof.
The Protocol for the Prevention and Resolution of Conflicts on Gender-Based Violence, Homophobia, Biphobia and Transphobia is included as an annex to the II TechnoCampus Equality Plan.
From the Equality Unit, we are pleased to share and disseminate the Guide for the Non-Sexist Use of Language in Physiotherapy, prepared by the College of Physiotherapists of Catalonia, with all the students of the Degree in Physiotherapy and the Double qualification Degree in Physiotherapy and Degree in Sciences of Physical Activity and Sport. This document is a fundamental tool that promotes the inclusive and equitable use of language in the field of physiotherapy, reaffirming the commitment to equality and diversity. We appreciate the collaboration and support for the dissemination of this guide that contributes to building a more equal and respectful environment for everyone.
Guide for the non-sexist use of language in physiotherapy_2024 1.pdf
Discover the new guide dedicated to promoting healthy and sustainable menstruation. With practical advice, relevant information and useful resources, this guide will accompany you towards a more positive perspective on menstruation:
Discover key concepts about sexual and gender diversity to promote inclusion and understanding within our community
Gender identity
It is how a person internally identifies with respect to gender. This can be male, female or other non-binary identities. This identity may or may not match the sex assigned at birth.
Fluid gender
It refers to a transgender identity in which a person does not necessarily identify with a single gender, but may move between different gender identities over time.
It is a perspective that analyzes how the different axes of inequality (such as gender, race, social class, sexual orientation, etc.) interact with each other, generating unique experiences of oppression or privilege.
sexual orientation
It refers to the emotional, romantic and/or sexual attraction that a person feels towards other people. This can be towards the same gender, the opposite gender or multiple genders (such as bisexual or pansexual people).
Emotional, romantic or sexual attraction to other people, regardless of gender. Unlike bisexuality, which focuses on two genders, pansexuality includes all gender identities.
Glossary of Barcelona City Council terms
See the personalised glossari complet of terms on sexual and gender diversity to expand your knowledge and promote a more inclusive space.
TecnoCampus Library-CRAI Reading Guide on Gender Equality and Feminism
Empowering girls with technology
MENTOS Mentoring Female Engineering Students
Recruitment Bias in Research Institutes. Institution CERCA.
Feminist Agenda 2030, sustainable development goals
Multilingual criteria for writing egalitarian texts
Twelve small actions with great impact for Generation Equality
Catalan Women's Institute
Department of Equality and Feminism
Interuniversity Institute of Women's and Gender Studies
Association of Women Researchers and Technologists
This procedure aims to guarantee the right of transsexual, transgender and intersex people to be called, at the Tecnocampus University Center, by the name corresponding to the gender with which they identify.
Access from here at the bases of the I Awards for the best Final Degree Projects in promoting the gender perspective at TecnoCampus