General information

Subject type: Mandatory

Coordinator: Julián Horrillo Tello

Trimester: Second term

Credits: 4

Teaching staff: 

Francesc Flores Salgado


Specific skills
  • CE18: Understand the organizational structure and functions of a project office.


Subject framed in the subject of Projects. The course aims to train students in the realization of engineering projects, both in the development processes of the technical solution and in the management of the different phases of the project. In this subject the final phases of the life cycle of an engineering project are studied, in particular the detailed engineering and the execution of the project. In addition to the theoretical contents studied, students develop an industrial project in groups, based on the preliminary project developed in the subject of Project Management I of third year.


Learning outcomes

  • LO1: Use techniques and tools for the management of engineering projects, including planning, development and execution (EC 18).
  • LO2: Identify and apply specifications, regulations and standards (CE 18).
  • LO3: Write texts with the appropriate structure for their communication objectives (CE 18).
  • LO4: Introduce the text to an audience with the appropriate strategies and means (CE 18).
  • LO5: Apply the mode and dynamics of teamwork (CE 18).
  • LO6: Identify their own information needs and use the collections, spaces and services available to design and carry out searches appropriate to the thematic area (EC 18).
  • LO7: Carry out the assignments based on the basic guidelines given by the teacher, deciding on the time to be used in each section, including personal contributions and extending the sources of information indicated (CE 18).
  • LO8: Take initiatives that generate opportunities, with a vision of process and market implementation (EC 18).
  • LO9: Apply sustainability criteria and the deontological codes of the profession (CE 18).

Working methodology

The subject consists of 3 hours a week of face-to-face classes in the classroom (large group), where the theoretical contents will be developed and practical exercises and problems will be solved, and of 10 hours per laboratory practice course (small group). where practical aspects of the activities of the subject will be worked.

The laboratory sessions (small group) are of compulsory attendance (necessary condition to concur to the evaluation of the corresponding activity), and will develop grouping the students in groups of 2 to 6 people according to the activity. Each activity needs a previous preparation that will be realized, a part in the face-to-face classes in the classroom, and another one will have to realize the students in the time of independent learning. These activities, however, will be temporarily extended beyond laboratory hours, and students will need to complete them during the autonomous learning time. The first three activities correspond to the development of a complete project that will have to be presented and defended publicly the first working day following the realization of the last examination of the course, with compulsory assistance of all the students.

Whenever deemed appropriate, activities of a completely optional nature will be made available to students to help them prepare and prepare for those of a compulsory nature.


Title content 1: Project strategy and closure of basic engineering

  • Project strategy
  • Objectives and final technical specifications
  • Planning and budget optimization. Impact on project viability
  • Offer to the customer

Content title 2: Advanced project planning

  • Project resources
  • Minimum cost programming model
  • Resource limitation
  • Agile Project Management
  • Support tools

Content title 3: Development of detail engineering

  • Project monitoring and control
  • Solution development: design management
  • Value engineering
  • Constructibility: Simultaneous engineering
  • Contents of the detail project
  • Project risk assessment
  • Process modeling
  • Closure of detail engineering
  • Support tools

Content title 4: Execution and control

  • Set up
  • Monitoring and control of execution
  • Delivery time management
  • Cost management. Budget analysis
  • Risk management
  • Final phase: closing of the project
  • Support tools

Title content 5: Technical Office II

  • Standardization and regulation. Activity projects
  • Tools and techniques for project quality management
  • Writing the documents of a project: Report, plans, specifications, budget
  • Industrial property management. Patents and trademarks
  • The business model of the technical office

Learning activities

Title of the activity 1: Detailed project development: Optimization of project planning and budget

  • DESCRIPTION: From the preliminary project developed in the subject of PROJECT MANAGEMENT I will proceed to the detailed review of the planning and the budget, including the modifications that are considered opportune with the aim of its optimization. The final document corresponding to the part of the Report will be drafted that includes the general objectives, the conceptual framework, the detailed objectives, the technical specifications, the planning and the economic study.
  • SUPPORT MATERIAL: Explanatory dossier provided by the teacher.
  • DELIVERABLES AND LINKS WITH THE EVALUATION: Group report according to standard format, including the general objectives, the conceptual framework, the detailed objectives, the technical specifications, the planning and the economic study. This activity represents 15% of the final grade of the subject.
    • Propose a viable solution to an engineering project specifying the objectives and technical specifications
    • Plan a project optimally
    • Budget a project optimally
    • Present and publicly defend the results of a work
    • Organize and plan work among group members
    • SESSION 1: Optimization of project planning with MS-Project. Resources, programming and costs
    • SESSION 2: Presentation ACTIVITY 1

Title of the activity 2: Detailed project development: The technical solution

  • DESCRIPTION: From the preliminary project developed in the subject of PROJECT MANAGEMENT I, the detailed engineering for the chosen solution will be solved. The activity will include the complete technical solution, and the results of the control and monitoring of the development of the project, including a detailed justification of the deviations from the original planning. The activity closes with a public presentation of the results of the work carried out.
  • SUPPORT MATERIAL: Explanatory dossier provided by the teacher.
  • DELIVERABLES AND LINKS WITH THE EVALUATION: Documentation of the project, including descriptive report, plans, budget, specifications and annexes. This activity represents 35% of the total grade of the subject
    • Experiencing the complete cycle of an engineering project, as a business management process, applying social responsibility criteria and acting according to the code of ethics of the engineering profession 
    • Monitor and control a real project
    • Document an engineering solution in a complete and detailed way
    • Present and publicly defend the results of a work
    • Organize and plan work among group members
    • SESSION 3: Tools for process modeling. Workflow and Groupware
    • SESSION 4: Project control and monitoring with MS-Project
    • SESSION 5: Presentation of Activity 2

Title of the activity 3: Detail project development: Project closure

  • DESCRIPTION: Carry out the closure of the project including the analysis of deviations from the planning and budget, the identification of the new knowledge generated, both planned and unforeseen, and its coding and storage.
  • SUPPORT MATERIAL: Explanatory dossier provided by the teacher.
  • DELIVERIES AND LINKS WITH THE EVALUATION: Group report according to standard format, including the project development schedule, the execution of the budget, the knowledge map generated, and the conclusions indicating the strengths and weaknesses of the project and possible improvements and future lines of work. This activity represents 10% of the total mark of the subject
    • Codify the knowledge generated in the development of the project
    • Identify the strengths and weaknesses of the project
    • Identify and analyze project deviations
    • Present and publicly defend the results of a work
    • Organize and plan work among group members
    • SESSION 6: Final presentation of the Project (out of school period)

Title of the activity 4: Examen

  • DESCRIPTION: Written test to evaluate the theoretical and practical concepts developed throughout the course
  • SUPPORT MATERIAL: Subject materials and bibliography.
  • DELIVERABLES AND LINKS WITH THE EVALUATION: Resolution of the test. This activity represents 40% of the total mark of the subject.
    • Eminently evaluative objective of the degree of achievement of theoretical knowledge and its application to real practical situations
    • Collect information for individual summative assessment

For each activity, teachers will report on the particular rules and conditions that govern them. This information will be communicated in the physical classroom and / or published in the virtual classroom.

One-on-one activities presuppose the student's commitment to carry them out individually. All activities in which the student does not fulfill this commitment regardless of their role (origin or destination) will be considered suspended.

Likewise, the activities to be carried out in groups presuppose the commitment on the part of the students who make it up to carry them out within the group. All activities in which the group has not respected this commitment regardless of its role (origin or destination) will be considered suspended. The responsibility for the results of the work lies with the group, and not with the individuals who make it up. In any case, teachers can, based on the information they have, customize the grade for each member of the group.

Any undelivered activity will be considered scored with zero points. Failure to attend a laboratory session automatically excludes from the evaluation of the corresponding activity, being considered scored with zero points.

It is optional for teachers to accept or not deliveries outside the deadlines indicated. In the event that these late deliveries are accepted, it is up to the teacher to decide whether to apply a penalty and the amount thereof.

Evaluation system

The final grade is the weighted sum of the grades of the activities

Activity 1: 15%

Activity 2: 35%

Activity 3: 10%

Activity 4: 40%


Attendance at the theoretical and laboratory sessions, and the delivery of the corresponding reports of activities 1, 2 and 3 is a necessary condition for the evaluation of the subject.

It will be up to the teachers of the subject to decide on the possibility of adding activities that allow the recovery of the suspended activities.

It is compulsory to carry out all the activities to obtain the final grade of the subject. The grade calculation algorithm only applies if the grade for Activity 4 is greater than or equal to 4, otherwise the subject is suspended.

The resit exam only gives the option to pass the subject with a grade of 5, except in the case where the weighted average grade of the first 3 activities is equal to or greater than 8. In this case the final grade will correspond to the weighted average mark of all the activities of the subject (the resit exam corresponds to activity 4, and its mark must be greater than or equal to 4).

For activities 1, 2 and 3, if the result of their evaluation is not satisfactory or the teachers consider it opportune, they will be able to summon the members of a group to the realization of a test of individualized evaluation.



PROJECT MANAGEMENT INSTITUTE. PMBOK (2013). Guide to the Fundamentals of Project Management.

HORINE, GM (2010). Project management. Anaya.

HORRILLO, J. (2018). Materials of the subject of Project Management II. EXCEPT. Mataró.


WYSOCKY, R. (2014). Effective Project Management: Traditional, Agile, Extreme (7th edition). WILEY.

KREZNER, H. (2017). Project Management: A Systems Approach to Planning, Scheduling, and Controlling. (12th edition). WILEY.

BURTON, C .; MICHAEL, N. (1992). A Practical Guide to Project Management. Kogan Page. London.

DAVENPORT, TH; PRUSAK, L. (1998). Working Knowledge: How organizations manage what they know. Harvard Business School Press.

DÍAZ MARÍN, A. (2010). The art of directing projects. Ra-ma.

CASTRO, M .; COLMENAR, A .; CRUZ, FJ; SANCRISTOBAL, E. (2010). Project Management with Microsoft Project 2010. Ra-ma.

ROSENAU, MD (1998). Successful Project Management: a step-by-step approach with practical examples. 3rd Edition. John Wiley.