General information

Subject type: Mandatory

Coordinator: Julián Horrillo Tello

Trimester: First term

Credits: 6

Teaching staff: 

Klara Vékony

Teaching languages

The language of the course is Spanish. Els apunts del curs estan escrits i les classes magistrals s'impartiran en castellà, però tots els treballs, informes, exàmens, etc es poden presentar en qualsevol dels tres idiomes (català, castellà o anglès).


Specific skills
  • Apply thermal engineering

Transversal competences
  • T1_That students know a third language, which will preferably be English, with an appropriate level orally and in writing and in accordance with the needs of graduates in each degree



The subject is one of the two subjects of the subject of Thermal Engineering and Fluids of third course. This area aims to present advanced applied knowledge and advanced design methods to solve various real problems of these two subjects. The subject of Thermal Engineering uses in an important way the most theoretical and basic knowledge of the subject of Thermodynamics and Fluid Mechanics, but also presents more advanced knowledge, applicable to real situations when thermal energy or temperature variation they play an important role. In addition to advanced knowledge, the subject presents design methods, sizing, selection process and methods for locating problems in real situations.



Learning outcomes

In general, this subject contributes to achieving the following learning outcomes specified for the subject to which it belongs:

- Solve thermal problems.

- Identify and evaluate the variables that characterize thermal systems.

- Solve heat transmission problems of different levels of difficulty.

- Use specific software to calculate heat transfer.

- Solve and design heat exchangers.

- Describe the operation of thermal machines.

- Write calculation and test reports justifying the results and draw conclusions.


At a more specific level, at the end of the course the student must be able to:

  • LO1. Solve thermal problems.
  • LO2. Analyze and interpret thermal systems.
  • LO3. Solve and design heat exchangers.
  • LO4. Perform experimental analyzes to evaluate pressures and temperatures in thermal equipment.

Working methodology

The subject consists of 4 hours a week of face-to-face classes in the classroom (large group), where the theoretical subject will be developed. They will be expository and participatory theoretical sessions, consisting of the exposition and development of the theoretical foundations with numerous examples and exercises and of 20 hours (10 sessions) of laboratory practices (small group).

Theoretical sessions will be compulsory. During classes students can follow the teacher’s explanations through a Nearpod app. Students are suggested to attend classes with a device with internet access and to have a screen large enough to observe transparencies with complex text and drawings.

During the classes the teacher will solve and explain a large number of exercises. Students will also have access to a document that contains several exercises without full resolution, but with the value of the final result as an aid to prepare for the exam.

The internship sessions will be compulsory and will be held in small groups. The aim of the practices is to carry out works applied in real situations, but always using and expanding the knowledge learned during the theoretical classes. Internships are guided with specific activities, but students must complete the activities and prepare a report that explains the reality of the work done independently.

Students will have all the information necessary to follow the teacher's explanations. Transparencies, unresolved exercises, practice guides and a form with all the necessary formulas and tables will be available to students.


1. Thermodynamics and heat transmission

  • Summary of thermodynamics
  • Introduction to thermal engineering
  • Heat transfer by conduction, convection and radiation,

2. Heat exchangers

  • Typology and operation of heat exchangers
  • Heat exchanger design methods

3. Numerical simulation of heat transfer and heat exchangers

4. Thermal machines

  • Classification and definition of thermal machines
  • Thermodynamic cycles applied to thermal machines
  • Gas turbine
  • Steam turbine
  • Internal combustion engines, Stirling engine

5. Application of thermal energy

  • Thermal power plants
  • Nuclear power plant
  • Other types of application of thermal energy

Learning activities

Learning activities are mainly practical activities that allow students to apply theory to real problems. Most activities are compulsory and will be assessed with a grade of 10. These activities or part of these activities will be carried out under the supervision of the teacher. Internships require students to continue the work done in class individually and submit a report that reflects the outcome of their work.

Some of the activities are optional (for example the proposed exercises), ie the teacher will not verify the completion of these activities. These activities are not compulsory, but their realization is important for the learning of the subject.

Non-evaluative activities:

  • Theoretical class sessions
  • Class sessions to solve exercises
  • An internship session (the first) to review the subject of Thermodynamics solving exercises

In order to gather evidence of the achievement of the expected learning outcomes, the following evaluative activities will be carried out:

  • Two written exams [Related to the three specific and basic competencies]
    • The first partial exam will be on the first two topics reflected in the content section. This exam may not be performed depending on the schedule and pace of the class (Evidence of learning outcomes RA1, RA2 and RA3).
    • The second partial exam will be on the last two topics reflected in the contents section (Evidence of learning outcomes RA1 and RA2), in case a first partial exam has been done, or it would be on topics 1, 2, 4 and 5, if there had been no examination (Evidence of learning outcomes RA1, RA2 and RA3).
  • Nine internship sessions [Related to the four competencies]
    • In the second practice students perform heat transfer measurements by conduction and convection (Evidence of learning outcomes RA1 and RA4).
    • In the third practice, students perform measures of heat transfer by radiation (Evidence of learning outcomes RA1 and RA4).
    • In the fourth practice students prepare and analyze a numerical heat transfer simulation (Evidence of learning outcome RA2).
    • In the fifth practice, students take measurements of a heat exchanger of the casing and tube type and also apply a design method of the same heat exchanger (Evidence of learning outcomes RA1, RA3 and RA4).
    • In the sixth practice students analyze a numerical simulation of the laboratory heat exchanger (Evidence of learning outcomes RA2 and RA3).
    • In the seventh practice students perform measurements with an internal combustion engine (Evidence of learning outcomes RA1 and RA4).
    • In the eighth practice students perform calculations and analyze a steam turbine (Evidence of learning outcome RA2).
    • In the ninth practice students perform calculations and analyze a gas turbine (Evidence of learning outcome RA2).
    • In the tenth practice students use a program to simulate a nuclear power plant (Evidence of learning outcome RA2).


Note: the transversal competence associated with the subject (third language knowledge) is worked from the documentary sources that the students have to consult.

The teacher will inform the students of the special conditions and rules of each activity.

Written exams must be taken individually without the help of anyone and it is forbidden to use anything other than a calculator and the form prepared by the teacher. The exam will have a grade of 0 (suspended) in case the student does not meet this condition of individuality.

After completing practices 2, 3, 5 and 7, the small group of students (1 or 2 people per group) must prepare and submit a written report of defined content in the corresponding practice guide. Reports must be submitted by a predetermined date (usually 13 days after the internship). Delay will be penalized. A delay of between 1 second and 1 week the grade obtained will be multiplied by a factor of 0,8. A delay of between 1 week and 1 second and 2 weeks the grade obtained will be multiplied by a factor of 0,5. Deliveries outside of these two weeks of delay will not be accepted.

At the end of practices 4, 6, 8, 9 and 10 the group must submit a test to complete the practice (it can be an image, a number or an answer to a specific question). This test must be handed in at the end of the practice. Deliveries after the end of the internship will not be accepted and will be evaluated with a grade of 0 (suspended) with no possibility of improvement.

Each group must prepare the reports and tests individually. Any copying is strictly forbidden (copying the work of other groups, copying from the internet or books, even if it has been translated from another language is prohibited). In the event that one group copies the work in whole or in part from another group, both groups will be penalized. Any copy (even if only a sentence) will result in a work with a grade of 0 (suspended) with no possibility of improvement or evaluation without considering the copied part. The teacher will use a special program with all the work delivered to detect plagiarism.

Internships are mandatory. In the case of absence, the student's report will be evaluated with a 0 (no possibility of improvement).

Any activity not delivered will be considered scored with a grade of 0 (suspended).

All documents must be submitted via moodle.

Evaluation system

The evaluative weight of the different concepts that take part in the qualification of the asignatura are:

- E1: Examination of the first part (30%)

- E2: Examination of the second part (30%)

- P2, P3, P5, and P7: Practice reports (4 x 6,25% = 25%)

- P4, P5, P8, P9 and P10: Practice tests (5 x 3% = 15%)

Practice note (PR) = 0,625 x (P2 + P3 + P5 + P7) / 4 + 0,375 x (P4 + P6 + P8 + P9 + P10) / 5

Each student must obtain a minimum of 40% of the maximum mark of the exam and a minimum of 40% of all reports and practice tests:

  • If E1 <4 and / or E2 <4: Final note = Minimum (E1, E2, PR)
  • If PR <4: Final note = 0,3 x E1 + 0,3 x E2
  • If E1> 4, E2> 4 and PR> 4: Final note = 0,3 x E1 + 0,3 x E2 + 0,4 x PR


Internships are not recoverable.

At the end of the semester, a resit exam is offered as long as the School Studies Department indicates so. The recovery will take place on the date and place set by the School Studies Department. During the resit exam the maximum grade that can be obtained is a 5 and it is calculated with the following formula where ER is the grade of the resit exam. The maximum grade will in any case be a 5:

  • If PR <4: Final note = Minimum (ER, [0,6 x ER + 0,4 x PR])
  • If ER> 4 and PR> 4: Final note = Maximum (ER, [0,6 x ER + 0,4 x PR])



YA Çengel. Heat transfer. McGraw Hill, 2004.

Caludio Mataix, Thermal Turbomachines, Third Edition

Marta Munoz, Thermal machines


T. Sánchez Lencero, A. Muñoz Blanco - Thermal Turbomachines

Ferziger, Computational methods for fluid dynamics, 3rd edition

Kuppan Thulukkanam, Heat exchanger design handbook

Stirling egnine design manual, NASA