Recognition of external internships for professional experience (Technology and Cultural Industries)


Assess the possibility of recognizing the External Internships for professional experience in the degrees of the Departments of Technology and Cultural Industries for students who can prove a professional experience in a field related to their studies.


Who can request it?

Students with an open file for one of the official degrees of the Departments of Technology and Cultural Industries.

External Internships is an optional subject for the 4th year, and therefore students are recommended to apply from the 3rd year.

Application procedure

Online: e-Secretaria (Generic application for academic procedures)

Mandatory documentation:

Instància específica de sol·licitud de reconeixement per experiència professional
Report issued by the student in which the tasks, the functions developed, the hours of dedication and the calendar are specified.
- Certificate of working life accrediting the employment relationship related to the student's report.
- Document issued by the company accrediting the tasks performed by the student related to the report. If the student himself is in charge of the company he must provide the certification of worker self employed.

Optional documentation:

Any other report that the center requests that serves to accredit the professional experience.

Application deadline

According to the current academic calendar.



There is no cost for the application. The cost will be applied when enrolling the subject and will apply the current and approved at the time of registration.

Answer you will get

Communication by e-mail of the resolution issued by the Management of the Center or the person to whom it is delegated.


Response time

One week

Who's in charge

Unit: The Management of the Center or the person to whom it delegates for each Center.

Reference person (s):

- Head of Center: Montserrat Rabassa

- Academic Management: Marta Cano