Last Wednesday, December 15, the conference "E-learning, trends and technologies" was organized at the TecnoCampus, by TCM Audiovisual.

The day was attended by John Major. Mr. Majó was director of the Catalan Radio and Television Corporation (now the Catalan Audiovisual Media Corporation) until 2007, and had previously been Minister of Industry and Energy (1985-86).

Among others, the experiences of the UPC School of Professional Development were presented, by Valeria Pleszowski, and the UOC, by Josep Rivera.

Here you can download the presentations that took place:

Mr. Albert Calvet of CV&A Consulting - download
Mrs. Valeria Pleszowski of the UPC School of Professional Development- links
Mr. Joseph Rivera, Office of Learning Technologies UOC - download
Mr. Gregory Jimmy, creator of Sclipo - links


The Creatic Awards are open, an opportunity for the best entrepreneurial initiatives


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