Noemí Ruiz-Munzón, Laura Muñoz Ortiz, Nacho Monreal, Patricia Crespo, Carme Rovira and Màrian Buil, from the School of Social Sciences and the TecnoCampus Company; Anna Castells and Adrián García, from the School of Health Sciences; and Léonard Janer, from the Escola Superior Politècnica, have presented three papers at the XI International Congress of University Teaching and Innovation held on 29 and 30 June and 1 and 2 July 2020 in online format.

This edition was entitled "Beyond skills: new challenges in the digital society." He wanted to address the present and future challenges of higher education in relation to the emergence of new profiles of students who demand new teaching and organizational strategies. The conference has been a space for exchange and analysis of studies, experiences and proposals to provide knowledge about the impact of these challenges and the various ways to address them from a teaching strategy.

The works presented were:

Castells A. & García, A.: “”, the students' games website

Crespo, P. & Oliveras, E .: The gender perspective in accounting subjects.

Castells A. & García, A.: “”, the students' games website

Rovira, C .; Janer, L. & Buil, M .: Field of social innovation or work for challenges from the sum of agents of change.

Ruiz-Munzón, N .; Muñoz Ortiz, L. & Monreal, N .: A teaching-learning experience between different courses and degrees. Exhibition of mathematics projects.


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