Informació general

Tipus d'assignatura: Obligatòria

Coordinador: Carolina Chabrera Sanz

Trimestre: Primer trimestre

Crèdits: 6


Carme Planas Campmany
Monica Ulloa Marin 


Competències bàsiques
  • CB2_Que els estudiants sàpiguen aplicar els seus coneixements a la seva feina o vocació d'una forma professional i tinguin les competències que cal demostrar per mitjà d'una elaboració i defensa d'arguments i la resolució de problemes dins de la seva àrea d'estudi

  • CB3_Que els estudiants tinguin la capacitat de reunir o interpretar dades rellevants (normalment dins de la seva àrea d'estudi), per emetre judicis que incloguin una reflexió sobre temes rellevants de caire social, científic o ètic

Competències específiques
  • CE26_Pràctiques professionals, en forma de rotatiu clínic independent i amb una avaluació final de competències, en els centres de salut, hospitlas i altres centres assistencials que permetin incorporar els valors professionals, competències de comunicació assistencial, raonament clínic, gestió clínica i judici crític, integrat en la pràctica professional els coneixements, les habilitats i actituds de l'infermeria, basats en principis i valors, associats a les competències descrites en els objectius generals i en les matèries que configuren la titulació

Competències generals
  • CG10_Protegir la salut i el benestar de les persones, familia o grups atesos, garantint la seva seguretat

  • CG5_Dissenyar sistemes de cures dirigits a persones, families o grups, avaluant el seu impacte i establint les modificacions oportunes

  • CG9_Fomentar estils de vida saludables, l'autocura, recolzant el manteniment de comportaments preventius i terapèutics

  • CG15_Treballar amb l'equip de professionals com a una unitat bàsica en la que s'estructuren de forma uni i multidisciplinar i interdisciplinar els professionals i altre personal de les organitzacions assitencials

  • CG8_Promoure i respectar el dret a la participació, informació, autonomia i el consentiment informat en la presa de decisions de les persones ateses, segon la forma en com viuen el seu procés de salut-malaltia

  • CG17_Realitzar les cures d'infermeria basant-se en l'atenció integral de salut, que suposa la cooperació multiprofessional, la integració dels processos i la continuitat assistencial

Competències transversals
  • CT 1 Desenvolupar la capacitat d'avaluar les desigualtats per raó de sexe i gènere, per dissenyar solucions


External clinical practice within the degree in Nursing at ESCS Tecnocampus are carried out in the following subjects:

  • Introductory Practicum I - II - III, in the second academic year of the Degree in Nursing.
  • Clinical Practicum I - II - III, in the third academic year of the Degree in Nursing.
  • Advanced Practicum I - II - III, in the fourth academic year of the Degree in Nursing.

These subjects guarantee the credits and clinical training hours as set out in Directive 2013 / 55EU of 20 November 2013.

External clinical practice includes all teaching-learning activities aimed at acquiring competencies in the different environments in which Nursing develops its practice. For the follow-up and evaluation of the students in the different periods of the Practicum there are three relevant figures: the academic tutor, the clinical tutor and the follow-up tutor. The three tutors accompany and ensure the achievement of the competencies (both generic and specific) of each of the Practicums through continuous and formative assessment.

The subject of the Clinical Practicum I include a period, where one of its main objectives is caring of people in childhood and adulthood, healthy or with acute or chronic health illness. The centres where the clinical stays are carried out include Acute Hospital Units of different levels of complexity, Primary Care Centres and Socio-health Centres in order to favour the learning of the basic cares of the people.


This subject has methodological and digital resources to enable its continuity in non-presential mode in case it is necessary for reasons related to the Covid-19. The TecnoCampus will provide teachers and students with the digital tools needed to carry out the course, as well as guides and recommendations that facilitate adaptation to the non-presential mode.

Resultats d'aprenentatge

LO 7. Act in accordance with the ethical principles and legal rules governing the practice of care.

LO 14. Make connections between the theoretical framework and the practical field of intervention

LO 17. Acquire methodologies and work habits appropriate to the field where pre-professional practices are developed and apply the appropriate clinical guidelines.

LO 20. Develop a critical spirit and ability to make decisions.

LO 28. Applies knowledge of the sex / gender system in the analysis of the behaviours of men and women and in the evaluation and counseling of patients, groups and healthy populations.

LO 29. Communicates effectively with patients by demonstrating awareness of the professional-patient power difference, including the use of language that minimizes power imbalances, validates the experiences of people who suffer, and eliminates gender stereotypes

LO 30. Knows how to conduct critical information (differences by sex in morbidity and mortality, deviations and gender gaps) and adopt practices that incorporate knowledge of gender differences and gender inequalities.

Metodologia de treball

MD2. Seminars

MD3. Teamwork

MD4. Individual work

MD5. Topic presentations by students

MD6. Face-to-face tutoring in groups or individually

MD9. Directed practice. 

MD 11. Autonomous work.


The contents that will be worked on in the Practicum are related to the following axes of knowledge:

  • Individualized nursing care through the Nursing Care Process.
  • Prevention and health promotion.
  • Procedures and protocols according to the patient's needs and / or clinical situation.
  • Professional practice in different areas and situations.
  • Aspects of communication and relationship with the user.
  • Teamwork and interprofessional relationship.
  • Observation and assessment of the operation of a health centre.
  •  Ethical and legal principles that guide the profession.
  • Roles and interventions of nursing professionals in the different areas of care: hospital, social health, primary care.

Activitats d'aprenentatge

The following table shows the training activities and the methodology used:









AF4. Clínical practice


MD2. Seminars

MD3. Teamwork

MD4. Individual work

MD5. Topic presentations by students

MD6. Face-to-face tutoring in groups or individually

MD9. Directed practice. 

MD 11. Autonomous work.

CB2, CB3, CG5, CG8, CG9, CG10, CG15, CG17, CE26, CT1


Sistema d'avaluació

The evaluation will be carried out continuously based on the assessment of the competencies acquired by the student.





Assessed activity


Individual follow-up 


Individual follow-up




Individual follow-pu


Individual work


10% Oral presentation

20% Final work of practicum


Individual follow-up:

The individual follow-up of the student is carried out in the health institutions with the accompaniment and support of a clinical tutor and a follow-up tutor, both of whom are nursing professionals who ensure the improvement and acquisition of student skills during their clinical practice.

The evaluation is carried out jointly considering the evolution of the student during the practical period.


During the period of Clinical Practicum I, two online seminars are held, in small groups (10-12 students), and facilitated by the academic tutor.

Final work:

Students, during their practical stays, carry out an evaluable written work that they will have to present during the last face-to-face seminar.

Important information:

Attendance at external internships and seminars is mandatory and is subject to the "Regulations for External Internships in Healthcare Institutions for UPF Students" and the "Regulations for External Internships for ESCST Degree in Nursing Students" approved on July 10, 2019.

Each seminar will have a weighting that will be part of the final evaluation of the seminars. In the case of not attending for a justified reason, this evaluation will not be counted in the final grade of the seminars.

It will be necessary to pass the written work of the Practicum, as well as the evaluation of the clinical tutor in order to be able to average. In case of failing of the work the student will be able to write it again and deliver it on the period of recovery. In case of failing the evaluation by the clinical tutor, the subject of the Practicum will be suspended and will have to be recovered during the months of June-July. Seminar evaluation is not subject to reassessment.

In case of failing the external internships, the grade of the approved parts for recovery will be saved and only the suspended part will be evaluated. A quantitative (from 0 to 10) and qualitative (suspended, approved, excellent, honours matriculation) qualification system will be used according to RD 1125/2003.

The total or partial copy in any of the learning activities will mean a "Not Presented" in the subject, without option to present in the proof of recovery and without prejudice of the opening of a file for this reason.

Registration requirements:

To be able to enrol in the Clinical Practicum I, the student must have passed at least one of the three subjects of the Introductory Practicum.



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