Informació general

Càrrec: Professor

Despatx: TCM6 P2 OF. 1

Correu electrònic:

ORCID code: Visitar

Research gate: Visitar

Categoria professional: Associat/da



Descripció del perfil acadèmic, investigador i/o professional

Juan R Gonzalez is an Associate Reseach Professor at ISGlobal where leads a bioinformatic group in genetic epidemiology (BRGE). He has co-authored more than 140 scientific papers published in peer-reviewed journals and has ample experience in large international research projects. As an Adjunct Professor at the Tecnocampus, his educational activities focuses on providing graduate and post-graduate lectures in biostatistics. After getting his PhD in Biostatistics supervised by Prof Edsel Peña from University of South Carolina Columbia, he spent 2 years as a post-doc at Center for Genomic Regulation (CRG). There, he worked in genetic causes of psyquiatric disorders and developing tools for analyzing GWAS data as the case of SNPassoc R package, one of the widely used tools to perform genetic association studies. Currently he is working on genetic epidemiology. He is mainly interested in statistical methods for identifying genetic causes of complex diseases. To this end, his work focuses on developing new statistical methods and implementing tools for analyzing different 'omic' data including genomic (CNVs, inversions, mosaicisms), transcriptomic (RNA-seq and alternative splicing) and proteomic among others. The analysis of the exposome, its characterization and how integrate it with different omic data is also another active line of research of his group.